Revenue & Taxation

Tax problems can jeopardize a corporation’s professional reputation or an individual and can cost that corporation or individual substantial time, money and stress. Whether our firm is advising a corporation on a proposed business deal or representing a business or an individual before the Tax Appeal Board, our Attorneys tailor our legal representation to meet the precise needs of our clients. The firm’s Attorneys work closely with corporations and business to provide practical and privileged level advice and solutions to ensure compliance with the tax laws of Grenada. Our firm provides legal advice on anti-money laundering, financial services regulations, property tax and property transfer tax, income tax, withholding tax, value added tax, and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).



  1. Income Tax Act Chapter 149 of the laws of Grenada
  2. Value Added Tax Act Chapter 333A of the laws of Grenada
  3. United States of America – Grenada Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act No. 4 of 2017
  4. Gaming Act No. 21 of 2016
  5. Tax Administration Act No. 14 of 2016
